Some Kind of Zombie by Cassie Riley

It’s really incredible that the lyrics of a specific song still resonate in my mind and soul even after 14 years.  Some songs just seem to provoke certain emotions that seem to linger over an indefinite amount of time; the kind of song that seems to transport you back to a different time and place and bring back the feelings from “way back when” to the present.  There is one very unique song that takes me back to my teenage years, when I was 16 and on my first trip to Branson, MO with a group of kids I really didn’t know, on an uncomfortable bus, headed to somewhere I had never been before.  It was such an awkward experience and I was incredibly nervous, but even now I realize that the awkwardness was also coupled with anticipation.  At the time I had no idea what God had in store for me, or that He had prepared the way before me.  All I knew is that I was on my way to Branson to a youth revival and everyone seemed really excited that I was going.  They yammered on and on to me about the bands they were going to see and I just couldn’t realize what was going to be so cool about a hymnal choir.  I was so wrong.  That one trip changed my life, and there is a song that moves me back to that very time and place every time I hear it or hear the name of the band.   So, you may be wondering what the name of this song is and who the band is.  The song is titled “Some Kind of Zombie” by Audio Adrenaline.

I remember arriving outside of the stadium, thinking how can this many people be excited about God.  At the time I did not have a relationship with Jesus.  I was curious.  I wanted to know what the big deal was about this Jesus guy everyone seemed to love.  I wanted to understand why they could be so passionate about someone they couldn’t even see or touch and it was very odd to me that so many people believed in a book that was written in a language I couldn’t understand.  I was incredibly nervous, and yet very excited about this “concert”.  It was AMAZING!  I had absolutely no idea that Christians could rock out like that.  The music, the bands, the experience was soul changing.  I was in the presence of Skillet, Audio Adrenaline, Rebecca St. James, and a few other bands I can’t remember, but the most important presence that I was unaware of was God.  I arrived with the intention to figure this whole “Christian” thing out and before I knew it, I was back stage with 100’s of other teenagers out of the 1000’s in the auditorium, and I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior.

The lyrics in Audio A’s “Some Kind of Zombie” took on a whole other meaning.  At first it was just this cool song that sounded awesome, that made my heart pound and pulse race.  After the concert I bought a C.D. and listened to every song over and over again.  I desired to be “some kind of zombie” for Jesus.  I was enamored with this man who died for my sins and sacrificed his life so I would be able to be with him forever.  I was in awe of the bands who believed so passionately that it flowed through their music like water, like air.  I wanted to be some kind of zombie and change my life, change my mind, change my attitude.  I was now dead to sin and alive in Christ.

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